Which patients are prone to falls? (High-risk patients)

  1. Patients are older than 65.
  2. Unattended patients.
  3. Patients with a history of falls.
  4. Patients with an unstable gait.
  5. Patients with anemia or postural hypotension.
  6. Malnutrition, weakness, dizziness, infection.
  7. Patients with sleep disturbance.
  8. Patients with consciousness disturbance. (Disorientation, irritability or confusion)
  9. Stroke, limb dysfunction, metabolic diseases.
  10. Patients who take medicines that affect consciousness or activities, such as:diuretics, painkillers, laxatives, sedatives, sleep pills and cardiovascular drugs.


10 things you must know to prevent falls

  1. If you take sleep pills or feel dizzy, or feel blood pressure is unstable, when you get up, first sit at the edge of bed, then let your family help you.
  2. When you need help, but no family is nearby, please press the red call bell to call nurse for help immediately.
  3. If the floor is wet, please inform the nurse to prevent slips and falls.
  4. Put all your things in the bedside cabinet to keep the walkway clear.
  5. If the bedrails are pulled up, when you want to get up from bed, please pull down bedrails or call nurse for help. Don’t climb over the bedrail by yourself.
  6. When the patient is agitated, anxious or confused, please pull up bedrails and restrain him (her) for safety and protection.
  7. If the clothes you wear is too big, please replace with fitted clothes.
  8. Please wear non-slip shoes in the ward to avoid slips and falls. To walk barefoot is forbidden.
  9. Keep the ward as well-lit as possible to avoid poor eyesight and falls.
  10. If emergencies happen in the toilet, please press the red call bell inside to inform nurses for help.


If you want to learn more about the contents above, please consult nurses in each nursing station.


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