范聖暐 醫師

一般血液疾病(如貧血、血球低下等)、血液腫瘤 (如血癌、淋巴癌、骨髓瘤等)之診斷及治療、固態腫瘤(如常見癌症)之診斷及治療、一般內科

General blood disorders (e.g., anemia, low blood cell count)、Diagnosis and treatment of blood cancers (such as leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma)、Diagnosis and treatment of solid tumors (such as common cancers)、General internal medicine.


中山學大學醫學士 畢業


  • 彰化基督教醫院畢業後一般醫學住院醫師

  • 彰化基督教醫院內科住院醫師
  • 彰化基督教醫院血液腫瘤科總醫師
  • 中華民國內科專科醫師
  • 中華民國血液病專科醫師

  • 1.Resident Physician in Internal Medicine at Chang Gung Hospital, July 2017 to July 2020.

  • 2.Attending Physician in Hematology at Chang Gung Hospital, August 2020 to October 2022.
  • 3.Senior Attending Physician in Hematology at Yuanlin Christian Hospital,
  • starting from November 2022.
